
Food Storage

So lately I have been really into doing my food storage. In fact, I have even helped other women can and things like that. I really enjoy doing it. What is really exciting about it though, is that it has become my new calling at church. I was released from primary (sad day) and was made the ward provident living specialist. Really the relief society wants me to make sure people get their 72 hour kits done and their 3-month or 1 year supply of food done. To do this I have created a blog to keep my thoughts organized and make it accessible to everyone at church. Other people can look at it too! It is:


If you have any questions, ideas, concerns feel free to comment. I will do my best to research and find answers. I know many people put off doing their food storage saying its too overwhelming or what not, but I believe it is important. The church has been urging us for as long as I remember to do it and get it done. In fact the government for the past few years has even been encouraging people to put together a food storage. So if you haven't yet, DO IT! I would love yo help you along the way.

1 comment:

Emily Malinka said...

way to not let me down... I saw the web address up on the board in RS but couldn't for the life of me remember what it was. I thought just maybe you would have it linked on your site... THANKS!