
Cute Kids

Here are a few things to get yall caught up on our cute little kiddos.
Grant now has two bottom teeth, one big front tooth half in and the other front tooth just barely poking out. I make fun that he looks like the beggar from Aladdin the way he grins with his funny, cute teeth. Or maybe he looks like Jack Jack a little (the baby from the Incredibles). We will let you decide.

Lucy has wiggles. A lot of them. We found that she was intolerable during Sacrament meeting unless we tired her out first. So I walk with her to Church and by that I mean... she insists on running the entire way all on her own. We do manage to count some trees on our way there and we usually sing a song or two as well. When we get to Church she plops down on the pew and we have a nice calm Sacrament meeting with her. I am saying this as it has worked about six times now... so knock on would for me please. Lucy with wiggles during Sacrament meeting is no bueno.

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