

Several people have asked for pictures of what I look like.  I am really not that big yet.  In fact my Dr. says I am under weight.  At my last appointment she said "you don't look 17 weeks" she then felt my abdomen "but you sure feel it!"  I love my Dr. she cracks me up.  A week from today Dave and I go to find out if it is a boy or girl.  We are really excited!!  


Terri Lindsay said...

Weight is all relevant. During my first trimester I didn't put an any weight. During the 2nd and 3rd, it came on gradualy. and by the End I had gained plenty of weight. But I also looked like i was prago with twins. Seriously someone asked me if I was having twins. Anyway way look fantastic.
Terri Ann

Katie May said...

oooo! You look so cute! Yeah, I agree with Terri, weight is all relevant. I gained weight so differently with both the girls, but in the end I had gained the same amount....weird. I think you look just right! Keep 'em comin!