
Family Part 2

The next people to come into town were my parents. My mom was such a great help! She cooked and cleaned and kept up with Lucy. Lucy wanted to play and sing all day and she was there to do that. I remember one day my mom sang for probably the whole day, her voice started to go and she could barely sing. Needless to say I don't think she will want to ever sing "the wheels on the bus" song again. My dad read to her probably every book we own and then read them again. Lucy loved the attention. With all the fun we were having, I noticed my parents were not in many pictures but they loved to take pictures. Everywhere we went my mom had her camera in hand. Here some of the pictures she took.

1 comment:

Katie May said...

Oh my! How cute are those kids??? I hope you're all doing well and adjusting to being a family of FOUR! Isn't it nice to know that there are people who love your kids and are there to help when you need it? I always love those reminders when I realize that I've got lots of people "on my team".