
Road Trip Last Day

Liz and Ethan came with us to Nauvoo to see some of the sites. We first stopped at this German Breakfast place in Amana, Iowa. It was excellent. We stuffed ourselves. I stuffed myself a little too much! We were originally going to do a session but that became out of the question because I got sick in the car. So instead we walked around the grounds, slowly. The Nauvoo temple is beautiful. We got lots of great pictures.

We then continued down the hill to all of the historic sites. We first went to the gunsmith, at Ethan's request. It was fun, I never knew so much about guns and sad to say, I did not retain the information, hopefully the others did.

We then went to the school. It was a tiny building. The strollers barely fit. The missionary doing the tour was nice. She talked about how back then the school taught phonetic spelling. I was terrible at sounding out the words that were spelled phonetically.

Next stop, the brick maker. That was great because we got a free brick that says Nauvoo. I put it on the mantel when we got home. The kids were breaking down though so we had to quickly move on.

We then made our way to the blacksmith. Because the kids were not at their best we caught the tail end of the tour. We each got to pick a prairie diamond, which is a nail bent around a pole to make a ring. They were supposedly what engagement rings the Saints could afford back then. Lucy loved the black smith because of the noises and banging. She would bang her sippy cup every time the blacksmith did and not get yelled at.

The day was not over yet though. We then headed to the bakery. Great cookies! I got the recipe for the ginger bread cookies.

Next door to the bakery was a big building that was completely open inside. In there, there were stations ranging from bread making, candle making, looms, etc. The kids liked this place because they got to just run around.

We then went to the visit center - my favorite. The inside was great and full of information, but the garden was the best. There were sculptures everywhere. I loved the sculptures and thought they were all beautiful. Lucy seemed to enjoy her self.

We said our goodbyes to the the Zmoos family and we hit the road for home.

1 comment:

jed-laura said...

Nauvoo is where Laura and I spent part of our honeymoon. Also, the blacksmith shop was owned by my great-great-great (not sure how many greats)-great grandpa, Chauncy Webb.

Looks like you're having lots of fun!