

I have a question for everyone.  Who wants to be called once I've had Lucy and who wants announcements?  Just leave your name on the blog, if I don't have your phone number or address I will email you to get it.

Side note everything is going well with Lucy.  My Dr. says everything is progressing well and on schedule.


JamesnMeagan said...

James and I totally want to know when you have cute little Lucy! It's so exciting that you guys will be parents in no time :)

Katie May said...

I put Katy of "Lucy" duty, so she'll be in charge of letting the Hess family know. But...if you're sending announcements, we'd love one!!

jed-laura said...

We would love to know as soon as you're coherent enough to call and spread the good news! We'd be glad to help out in any way possible. (we're not moving that far away, even if we've already moved by then). If you need anything in the hospital, or some kind of food from anywhere in Dallas that we could deliver to you... just let us know and we'll be there.

We're so excited for Lucy to meet Lucy. and for us to meet her as well of course:)


Emily Malinka said...

freak yeah I better know about something when this child is born!!! I can't wait!

Emily said...

We would love to know, but don't worry about calling us! Your going to have a lot of other things on your mind believe me. We can also help in any way possible including food runs or anything! Just let us know!


congrats I seriously can't wait to meet Lucy! I love Lucy!

Terri Lindsay said...

When you call katy, tell her that she needs to call me and tell me every thing. You guys really don't need a million people to call. Good luck with everything. Terri

Chloe and Tyler said...

Oh my goodness, I'm so excited for you guys. The anticipation must be killing you. I'm glad we found your blog address. We would love to hear the news of when she arrives.

Dani said...

We'd love an Announcement! And I'm sure you'll have plenty of people to call so if you just want to send and email or text we'd love to know.

Anonymous said...

You're not serious, are you?


Anonymous said...

That wasn't too anonymouse, was it?

Anonymous said...

And then there's that spelling problem.